On orders from Punjab Government, property tax survey has been started for new valuation of domestic, luxury and commercial properties across the province including Leh, under which PT4 forms have been distributed to all property tax owners. Within 15 days of receipt of the form, the taxpayers will be obliged to submit the complete details of their property to the authorized officer of the relevant excise office. According to the schedule issued by the Punjab government in the light of the orders of the Director General Punjab regarding the tax survey, the allotment of numbers to all the properties units will start from August 17, which will be completed in 60 days, while on August 21 all The ETOs will prepare proposals for allotting categories in proportion to the current tenancy with respect to domestic and commercial properties in their area, after which these proposals will be sent to the Director and Director General Excise and Taxation, Punjab, who will finalize them by November 16. Manwar Ahmad Randa said that the notification of new valuation of property tax will be issued by the Punjab government on November 17, 2023, while the objections of taxpayers will be received by November 29 and all objections will be finalized by December 26. From January 1, 2024, tax challan will be issued as per the new valuation