A scheme of giving free flour to deserving poor middle class people was developed in Punjab which was quickly implemented but finally when the accounts were deducted and Flour Mills DC Office Information Technology Board from Food Department. When the records were obtained and reconciled with the apps, several irregularities were found and according to the data, the free Atta recipients were selected to confirm through SMS whether they had received the Atta or not. The alleged corruption of 20 billion rupees has been revealed, which is being investigated by NAB. So far, no one responsible has been punished. The present NAB has become such a thumb-tack organization in which they do not have the authority to take action against anyone, but all the previous cases have also been forgiven. All have been acquitted. Now it is seen that 20 billion rupees are also being seen. By doing similar daily operations, the officers will receive billions of rupees from the government in the form of salaries and departures, but the people have not received anything. They will not even be told what has happened to them, as has been the case in the past and is happening now that this institution operates under a political system in which appointments are also made in a way that they have their own meaning. And when it is possible to punish someone, it is stopped again by resorting to our complicated judicial system. Due to non-reconciliation of data, more than 5 million bags of flour are missing, only 43 million 60 thousand bags of data have been reconciled, the rest is not available. It has to be done because flour mills DC office and other institutions are not providing them with accurate information that the number of wheat flour bags and distribution records are also not available so that re-verification can be done to find out how PIT has also selected the people who have received ATA according to the data of free ATA scheme and they should be confirmed through SMS that whether such and such person has received ATA or not but all these things are correct in their place and The officers working in them are not so forgetful they know everything how to eliminate it even in Leh district when sugar mills, flour mills and deputy commissioner’s dashboard to PIT’s dashboard too. It was not in harmony with all the record-ups and a large number of bags of flour have been found missing. If he wants, he can make an example of this and punish those responsible, but since no institution is working in Pakistan at the moment, there is a strange spectacle everywhere, there is anarchy, there is no constitution, and there is no law. How is it possible that the alleged corruption of 20 billion will be brought to the fore when elections cannot be held?Or was it intended to tell the people that the government is taking measures because every day a new story is being told, the previous story is being forgotten. It will be known that only the alleged corruption of 20 billion rupees was done, but non-standard and poor flour was supplied, due to which even the eaters suffered from various diseases, there is no mention of it. While designing any such scheme, consider all the aspects so that the rightful beneficiaries reach their right. It is definitely a difficult step to do so because in political situations workers serve to strengthen their respective parties through such schemes. Therefore, it is not possible that any result will come out of it, but instead of repeating the mistakes of the past, we should move forward and not lose even a single rupee in this declining economic situation, if we take the right direction and be strict. If decisions are taken, then we can put ourselves on our feet and move the province towards development, from which the common and poor people will also benefit.