
The price of electricity should not become a movement

Author: Riaz Ahmed 

At this time, unemployment, poverty, inflation, political instability, the end of the supremacy of the country, the situation of uncertainty has increased everywhere and the anger of the people is gradually increasing to such an extent that they are fed up with their economic conditions and the price of electricity. In the event, protests are taking the form of protests all over Pakistan and now there is no area left where protests are not being held and offices in Karachi have been attacked and officers have been beaten up, which is a sign of the people of Pakistan. Therefore, there is no good omen, consider this as an indicator, due to which this anxiety and anger found in the people does not take the form of a movement that will be difficult to stop because there is no government in the country and The caretaker set-up is working with limited powers, but due to the non-announcement of the election date, it seems that the same caretaker set-up will rule the country for a long period of time. But has come out and is setting their electricity bills on fire because they are taxed so high that this jobless nation and inflation-ridden families are unable to pay. So that they can pay the electricity bills by doing their business, this power is slowly disappearing among the people as well. No subsidy is being given for any kind of electricity, high electricity bill for even small units in urban areas is completely unfair which should be removed as the primary responsibility of the caretaker government so as to be safe from any big trouble and People should also breathe a sigh of relief. In this regard, there is a misunderstanding between citizens and MAPCO, WAPDA, LESCO, or other companies that are electricity distributors that they are sent higher bills than the readings, in this regard, a meter. I am also adding the reader’s explanation to the public opinion so that the public can see both sides 

Misconceptions among the public and meter readers The public needs to understand that there is a schedule for meter reading that needs to be completed every month, not that they only come to your area once a month to take readings. And then they sit at home or office for the whole month. Each office has 20 badges for domestic and commercial customers and each badge has all the badges according to the number of meter readers in the office. For example, there are 40000 users in an office, then they are divided into 20 seeds and if there are 10 meter readers, then 10 more sub seeds of each seed are made? go Now if the reading of seed number 1 is to be done today, then all the 10 meter readers will read all 10 sub-seeds of seed number 1, so the reading of seed number 1 will be completed and then next day on seed number 2. Will go then seed number 3 and thus complete the entire 20 seed schedule in one month. Industry and tube well have 3 to 5 seeds separately and their readings are taken similarly. Now there are Sunday holidays in between and sometimes there are holidays and also the number of meter readers is very less, but despite all this reading of 23 to 25 seeds have to be completed in a month. Now the misunderstanding among the public is that the reading on the bill has a different date and the photo has a different date. The only shortcoming in this is that the department makes a schedule every month on which due to some constraints, such as lack of staff, and overload of work, it cannot be implemented and the reading is done 4, 5 days after that date, but which The reading has to be done on the date, every month it is around the same date, there may be a difference of 1 to 2 days, that too due to Eid or any official holiday, but readings are never done 5 to 7 days late. If 37 days of reading is done, then the seeds of the reading will not be finished in 1 month, so the reading can be of 30 to 31 days but not of 35 or 37 days. And even if the reading is delayed by 1 or 2 days, it must be due to some official holiday. With readings of 35 or 37 days, the meter reader cannot complete the readings in 1 month, nor does the salary increase for doing so. Now the real problem is that the electricity rates have increased by 3 to 4 times from last year. Have gone and people think it’s because of the meter reader! Meter readers are also suffering like normal human beings but despite all these resources and lack of staff they are regularly completing the reading schedule every month. All these things are true in their place that government recruitments have been closed in all departments for a period and if they are happening, they are recruiting specific people on political basis who are only related to the government or quota system in these departments. Due to the closure of all other recruitments, every department is suffering from severe shortage of manpower, in which such a large energy system is also traveling, the public has to suffer the consequences. This ugliness should be removed by recruiting further so that the consumer does not face high bills due to difference in readings. 

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