
Grade system, cause of academic or demotion.

In the Pakistani education system, every government has been experimenting, which did not promote quality education, on the contrary, private educational institutions and academies are getting benefits. With the system, these students will be in more trouble when the student who gets 98 marks will fall into 95 under the grade and the one who gets 95 percent will fall into 90 percent. Knowledge will be lost and then, unlike 10 years of education, a one-day entrance test, which is allegedly conducted by some big institutions, only the children of the elite will be able to benefit from it. will be closed because 'F' grades and marks are over. How will the new matriculation and intermediate result system work in Pakistan? According to the new system, after the exams, the result will no longer be in marks but in grades and these grades will also determine the final grading points i.e. GPA. Why was there a need to introduce a new system?

In Pakistan, the process of producing matric and intermediate examination results is being changed. According to the new system, the result after the exams will no longer be in marks but in grades and these grades will also determine the final grading points i.e. GPA. This means that after the year 2025 when the new three-phase system will be fully implemented after the passing of the result cards of matric and intermediate students will not have marks. In their place will be the grades and grading points obtained in each subject separately and in aggregate. Finally, the overall cumulative score i.e. CGPA will also be recorded. Another development in the new system is that 'F' grade i.e. 'Fail' will be done away with completely. It will be replaced by a 'U' grade which means 'unsatisfactory' meaning the performance of the student receiving this grade is 'not satisfactory'. In the old system, when a student had to pass a subject, he or she would A minimum of 33 or 33% marks was required. In the new system, this pass scale will be changed from 33% to 40%.
The implementation of this new system will be uniform across the country and it has been started from the current academic year i.e. 2023. This means that the new system grades will appear on the result cards after the 2024 exams. .

This also means that the 'merit' system for admission to various professional colleges and universities in Pakistan will also change. For example, earlier in the race for admissions to medical colleges, candidates knew the minimum marks they would need to get admission.

According to the new system, this competition will now shift to CGPA. So the question here is whether this change will bring about any substantial change in the quality of education in Pakistan or not? How will this system work and why was there a need to change the old system? Explaining in this regard, according to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, Executive Director of Inter-Boards Coordination Commission, i.e. IBBC.

Is there a new grading system?

According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, Executive Director of Inter-Board Coordination Commission, the new system of giving examination results is in line with the modern procedure practiced in the rest of the world. He says that when he set out to find an alternative to the old system, two types of international approaches were examined.

Among them, there was a points system that means points are given from 9 to one or the other is a 7-point system of English letters. According to him, 'We decided to adopt this system because it was already with us. It is practiced in one way or another and people are aware of it. However, the new system to be implemented in Pakistan will be 10 points instead of 7 points. According to the 10 points of this new system, A Plus will be the first grade. It will be given to the students who perform 95% to 100%. It would stand for 'exceptional' and have grading points of 5, which is the highest GP limit. Similarly, an A Plus would have a GP of 4.7 and a performance between 90 and 95 percent. Thus, the tenth and last grade will be 'U' i.e. 'Unsatisfactory' which will be given for less than 40% performance and its GPA will be zero. The student's performance is not satisfactory and he needs to retake the exam.' The U grade will essentially replace the F grade and the pass threshold for any subjects or overall session will be 40% performance.

How is this system different from the old system?

In the old system, the results of the examinations were primarily based on marks, which were used to determine the grades, but there was no involvement of GP or CGPA. This system basically consists of 6 points of English alphabet.

It has the highest grade A and the worst grade F, which means fail. The word 'FAIL' is entered against it which is part of the result card.

It should be noted that modern international examination systems do not allow the word 'fail' to be used to assess academic quality.

Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah said that according to the old system, marks were given to the students and their performance was evaluated only on that. These may not necessarily reflect their true performance.'

Similarly, he adds that under the old system there was no way to give feedback to the student about his performance on the result cards which has been incorporated in the new system. According to him, 'Now that the new result cards have come They will be numbered in the first phase along with GP and grades such as GP5 and Grade A Plus Plus but when it is fully implemented the numbers will be removed completely.'

When and how will this system be implemented? According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, head of the Inter-Board Coordination Commission, this system will be implemented at the same time for matriculation and intermediate examinations in all provinces and the entire country.

He said that for its gradual implementation, it has been divided into three phases so that students, teachers and educational institutions can prepare for it and give them adequate time for the changes they want to make.

The first phase will start from the academic year of 2023. In the year 2023, the GPA will come on the result cards but the numbers will also remain. Grades should also be included in the second phase in the year 2024 and in the year 2025 grades and GPA will be there and not numbers.'

No marks means that both total marks and marks obtained for any subject or overall will not be available. The result card will have the GPA and grades obtained in each subject in front of it and finally the overall grade and CGPA will be given.

Similarly, after GPA, a box will be left for 'Remarks', in which individual feedback can be given to the student.

According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, there will be two examinations in a year, when the grade of 'fail' has been abolished and the passing threshold has been increased to 40%, a change has also been made. There will be two exams in a year.

"Earlier we used to have two exams in a year, but the second exam used to be supplementary, that is, re-examination was given for those subjects who could not pass, but now there will be two annual exams and students can sit for both. Explaining this, he said that just as a student can participate in the annual examination of his choice for the Cambridge examination in the United Kingdom, under the new system, a student can appear in both the annual matriculation and intermediate examinations. Will be able to choose different subjects.

That is, if he wants, he can give three subjects in the first annual examination and the remaining three subjects in the second annual examination. He will be able to choose the exam accordingly at the time of his preparation. Why was there a need to introduce a new system? The effort was started a long time ago, but the first step was not being taken. According to him, the problem with us is who will do it, that is, who will take the initiative. Many technical problems used to come in the way, but now we have decided with the consensus of everyone to change this system. According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, the old system based on numbers is unnecessarily giving children a race. I used to put He says that 'Similarly, an unnecessary competition started between schools and colleges. Based on this, many colleges used to run their advertising campaigns. According to them, all this had an effect on the academic performance of the students in such a way that they were merely studying in any way instead of really learning with understanding. Focused on getting marks. In this way, his real academic performance is not revealed. He said that this system has been abolished for a long time all over the world and the main purpose of examinations in educational institutions is to check the real academic ability of a student and not merely. Checking the knowledge read for marks. According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, all the boards of all the provinces are among the members of IBCC and after their unanimous opinion, this system is being implemented uniformly across the country. .

What will be the effect on 'merit' in the new system? According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, all the educational institutions that give admissions on the basis of 'merit' after intermediate or matriculation will change their procedure to the new grades system. As for admission to medical colleges, if earlier there was a ratio of marks obtained by merit, now it will be replaced by CGPA' and thereafter medical colleges or these educational institutes which have their individual admissions. Take the exams, their performance will determine the merit.'

Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah says that before and after the change to this system of grades, there was also a discussion about why only the examination procedure was being changed and what difference would it make if teaching in educational institutions was changed. The procedure will remain the same. According to him, 'We also heard this discussion but then we decided that we change the procedure of the first exams, the rest of the procedure will automatically adapt accordingly.'

He says that this could have been a more obvious way to change the system. 'When the examination procedure changes, then the teacher will also change his teaching method to adapt himself to it. Thus, by the time this new system is fully implemented, the teaching method will have automatically changed. According to Dr. Ghulam Ali Malah, conceptual questions will be gradually added to the papers in the exams and ' The 'Rate' system should be abolished. In the same way, this system will lead to a bottom-up change in the teaching methods of schools and colleges, but overall it will affect poor students because after 10 years of education, a one-day entrance test will define the grading. Therefore, the student who cannot afford to study in the top academies will fail and have to prepare for re-examination which his parents will not be able to afford. It has been set up to keep students out of higher education, which needs to be changed

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