
Increasing diabetes, why insulin is necessary 

Due to food problems and lifestyle changes in Pakistan, the disease of diabetes has increased so much that earlier this disease was only found among rich people, now it has spread indiscriminately. It can be protected by changing preventive measures and exercising daily. If we do not change our lives as per the instructions of doctors and stick to fast food, this disease will definitely increase. In my opinion, it is important to raise social awareness through public opinion so that common people are protected from this disease and avoid other diseases caused by it and make themselves healthy, fit and active citizens of the society. There are many treatments but the most widely used is insulin. Here’s how it works. Types of insulin

At the moment, I have two different insulins in front of me, one of them is exactly like natural insulin, that is, the same one that our pancreas makes. While other insulins contain protein taken from “fish sperm”. I am not saying this to create sensation, but I hope you will understand all these things by the end of the article. 

In diabetes (type 1), the pancreas does not produce insulin, so the solution is to inject insulin into the body from outside. Earlier, this insulin was obtained from slaughtered cattle. But then in the 1980s insulin was made with the help of “Recombinant DNA” technology. In this technique, we took the insulin-producing gene from a human and put it into a bacterium, and that bacterium made insulin for us. 

In this way, the production of insulin was accelerated, this insulin was exactly the same as our pancreas was making. Insulin is a protein and proteins are made up of special chemicals called “amino acids”, and the sub-proteins in our body are made up of 20 different amino acids. Then in the 90s, some different types of insulin were made from this human insulin. , they are called “analogue insulin”. These insulins differ from our pancreatic insulin by certain amino acids. Apart from these analogues, some other chemicals were also added to the insulin. Due to these analogues and chemicals, the function of the different insulins that came into existence differed from the function of human insulin.

There were some insulins that dissolved in the blood more quickly than human insulin, started working more quickly, and stopped working more quickly and were excreted from the body. They start working later but remain in the body for a long time. 

Here by human insulin I mean the insulin that was first made by DNA Recombinant, because that insulin is made exactly as the pancreas was, that is why it is called human insulin. 

So at present we have human insulin as well as its various analogues, which are made by changing certain amino acids in human insulin. Apart from these analogues, we added some other chemicals to this human insulin to make some other types of insulins. So today we have many types of insulins, and we categorize them based on their performance. . That is, how soon or how late it dissolves in the blood after it is injected into the body, how soon it starts working, and when it stops working and leaves the body. Based on this, we have different types of insulin. are present The type of insulin that starts working very quickly but also stops working very quickly and leaves the body, they are called rapid acting insulin. They are followed by short acting insulin which are a little slower than the first one but also continue to work longer than them.

 This is followed by intermediate acting insulin which is slower and lasts longer in the body.

 Finally comes our long acting insulin which is slow to start working and also takes a long time to be eliminated from the body. Our human insulin, which was the first to be developed, falls under the category of short acting insulin. Our doctors look at the patient and decide which insulin is best for that patient, which works faster but lasts longer. Do not continue your work. Or the insulin that does not work very fast but works for a long time. “Premixed insulin” was brought to make the work of doctors easier. This insulin is actually a mixture of two different types of insulin. These often include short-acting and intermediate-acting insulin together. By which this mixture of insulin provides the function of both in one dose. 

What I have in front of me is “Actrapid” insulin, which looks like water. This is our human insulin. That is, short acting insulin, which is similar to the insulin of our pancreas. It starts working about 30 minutes after injection and stays in the body for up to six hours. 

With the other “Mixtard” insulin, this is a pre-mixed insulin, meaning it will contain two types of insulin. One is the same insulin that has just been mentioned above, i.e. human insulin, which is short acting and is also called regular insulin. Additionally, the second type of insulin in mixtard is an intermediate-acting insulin, which can take up to three hours to start working and can last up to 16 hours. This second type of insulin (intermediate) is basically human insulin, but zinc and a special protein “protamine” are added to increase its duration of action.

The protein protamine is also used in some other drugs, and it occurs naturally in the sperm of some fish and is mostly extracted from there for pharmaceutical purposes. 

Protamine is extracted from the sperm of salmon and trout fish after various chemical processes, it is purified and it is widely used in pharmaceutical industries. 

By the way, the intermediate insulin included in the mixtard is called NPH in short form, and it is not transparent like water, but “milky” in appearance. Therefore, mixtard insulin also looks milky. 

Apart from this NPH there are some other intermediate insulins. By avoiding these types and changing your lifestyle by including exercise and walking in your daily routine, you can stay safe from diabetes because all the types of insulin listed here are common in government hospitals today. Admi has become very difficult to get because there are small quantities which are given only to the favored people and are available in the market at high prices and even that poor person cannot afford it, so the common man needs to stay healthy and They should adapt their lives better by avoiding insulin and make exercise a part of their life

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